- The Basics:
- The Bible is divided into two major sections called testaments: The Old Testament and The New Testament
- The Old Testament is everything that happened between creation and Jesus being born.
- The New Testament begins with Jesus’ birth and ends with the early church.
- Each testament is further broken down into books. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
- Each book is then broken down into chapters and chapters are broken down into verses.
- When trying to reference a specific verse, you write the name of the book, the number of the chapter, a colon, and then the verse number (i.e. John 3:16).
- The Overarching Story of the Bible: God created the world. Sin entered the world. God redeemed the world.
- Purpose: While there is an overarching story in the Bible and many stories that make up that overarching story, the Bible is not just a storybook. The Bible is God’s word and is for teaching and encouraging God’s people as well as revealing who God is, God’s will for mankind, and to introduce us to the person of Jesus.